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Scrotum Ring Cockring Amethyst Stone Tressle Tassel Adjustable Cockring Penis Ring Penis Jewelry

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Scrotum Ring Cockring - Amethyst Stone Tressle Tassel

(Read about Under The Hoode Adjustable Style Cockrings here)

Diameter Size: Made to Your Custom size - Provide size when placing in cart

Read how to measure yourself for a cockring here

This amethyst stone cockring / scrotum ring is absolutely amazing!  Each stone has its own unique marbling pattern in a matte finish for a rich, velvet-like appearance. Finished below with 5 inches of handsome chain tassels in silvertone, black and gunmetal black. Designed for scrotum ring wear (behind cock and balls) but can be worn at the base of the shaft - your choice when placing your custom sized order at the prompt during checkout.  Gentle stretch filament assembly allows flexibility for easy placement.  Ring measures 10mm (3/8 inch) wide. Tressle cascade length is 5 inches. Not gift boxed.

Tressle [Urban Dictionary]: to tickle the underside of a ballsack with light flutter motion

All cockrings are for casual jewelry wear, ornamental purposes only. Cockrings specific to sexual activity can be found at UnderTheHoode sex toy store affiliate: Under The Hoode Toy Box.

COPYRIGHTS: Under The Hoode, Adjustable Style Cockring and ring designs are exclusive copyrights of Under The Hoode, LLC Feb. 2006 (c)